About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Jeremiah’s bulging disc was treated with the DRS Protocol

Over the course of 3 years Jeremiah had been to countless doctors for his back pain without an actual diagnosis. He was at a point where he was actually crawling on his hands and knees because he was in so much pain, even with many prescribed pain medications. One day Jeremiah was just sitting at [...]

Jeremiah’s bulging disc was treated with the DRS Protocol2013-11-25T17:19:09+00:00

After lumbar pain and numbness in the leg, Paul is back to running with the DRS Protocol

Paul was a dedicated runner who entered every race he had time to do. Running was the only thing that took his mind off of the daily grind and made him feel free. While training for an upcoming race, Paul started to experience a burning sensation in his back which did worry him a little [...]

After lumbar pain and numbness in the leg, Paul is back to running with the DRS Protocol2013-11-20T21:45:53+00:00

After three failed back surgeries, David was finally pain free with the DRS Protocol

Saturday started off as any normal Saturday would for David. He did some light house cleaning and ended with mowing his yard. David never would have been able to guess that he would be in the E.R. later that day instead of at his sons baseball game. David found out while in the E.R. that [...]

After three failed back surgeries, David was finally pain free with the DRS Protocol2013-11-18T17:38:48+00:00

Non-Surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol

When Alaina first came to the Busch Chiropractic Clinic she could hardly stand the pain in her right leg. She had constant throbbing pain from her right hip down to her right ankle. She was sure she had broken the leg some how but the x-rays ordered from her family doctor showed nothing. He was sure [...]

Non-Surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol2013-11-11T16:59:24+00:00

Betty Jo is now pain-free from her dengenerative disc disease

Betty Jo had suffered from low back pain and what she had been told was arthritis for many years. Her family doctor had prescribed her medication and recommended she see a chiropractor. She had been going to her chiropractor faithfully, which gave her some relief, but it wasn’t permanent.  She was getting worried that she would [...]

Betty Jo is now pain-free from her dengenerative disc disease2013-11-06T22:21:57+00:00

Clara is now pain free again and able to ride her horse symptom free after treatment!

Clara loved riding her horses. This was the only activity that she could do that would take away her stress from daily living. That is until one day she fell off of her horse and heard a cracking noise in her low back. This caused her to have severe and constant low back and pain [...]

Clara is now pain free again and able to ride her horse symptom free after treatment!2013-10-01T20:30:56+00:00

Thomas alleviated his back pain with the DRS Protocol

Thomas was always an active man. He enjoyed doing things with his family and friends. After Thomas retired he was looking forward to being able to have more free time to the things he enjoyed. But, he started to have back problems that kept him from enjoying life. He had seen several doctors but nobody [...]

Thomas alleviated his back pain with the DRS Protocol2013-09-25T20:24:15+00:00

Melissa is no longer suffering with low back pain after treatments with the DRS Protocol

After a year of increasing low back pain Melissa had decided to go to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center. She had been under the treatment of another chiropractor getting adjustments on a weekly basis with no improvement in her pain. Eventually her family physician referred her to a pain management specialist. She was then put [...]

Melissa is no longer suffering with low back pain after treatments with the DRS Protocol2013-09-19T20:23:45+00:00
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