About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 406 blog entries.

How to Spot the Early Signs of Neuropathy

More than 20 million people in the United States have some form of peripheral neuropathy. The one thing that this large group of conditions has in common is that they all affect the body's nerves. In most cases, the ability to feel pain is replaced with a numbing, tingling sensation. You may also not feel or notice [...]

How to Spot the Early Signs of Neuropathy2024-05-13T19:19:50+00:00

Chronic Back Pain Sufferer Finally Gets Relief

For over 20 years, Jodie suffered from chronic low back pain that made it difficult to work for more than half an hour a day. She saw her family doctor, neurosurgeons, other chiropractors, and pain doctors, but no one was able to tell her why she was in so much pain. Jodie heard about Busch [...]

Chronic Back Pain Sufferer Finally Gets Relief2022-05-25T15:26:00+00:00

Back Surgery Complications: What You Should Know

If you're considering back surgery to relieve your back pain, remember this: 10% to 50% of spinal surgeries fail. And, as many as 40% of patients develop a condition called failed back surgery syndrome, which involves long-term complications.  Back surgery can be helpful under certain circumstances, but anyone who is planning on pursuing surgery should consider the [...]

Back Surgery Complications: What You Should Know2024-05-13T19:19:50+00:00

Carpal Tunnel? Surgery Is Not Your Only Option!

Are your hands and wrists weak? Maybe you constantly feel numbness, pain, or a pins-and-needles sensation? If you said yes to either question, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common form of entrapment neuropathy. With carpal tunnel syndrome, more pressure is placed on the median nerve, causing a tingling and numbing [...]

Carpal Tunnel? Surgery Is Not Your Only Option!2024-05-13T19:19:50+00:00

Randy’s Story: How I Avoided Knee Surgery for a Torn Meniscus

True confession of a knee pain survivor. "I thought I had played my last game." A torn meniscus is not how a player want to be "taken out to the ball game". Unfortunately, it's a common injury among baseball players that leave many of them with excrutiating knee pain. Many baseball players turn to knee [...]

Randy’s Story: How I Avoided Knee Surgery for a Torn Meniscus2024-05-13T19:15:10+00:00

Healthy Back Tips: 5 Ways to Show Your Back Some Love

Roughly 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. In fact, back pain is now the leading cause of disability worldwide. It could impact your daily functioning and quality of life. Instead of struggling with back pain, learn how to maintain a healthy spine! Show your back a little love with these 5 ways [...]

Healthy Back Tips: 5 Ways to Show Your Back Some Love2024-05-13T19:19:50+00:00

Back Pain and Weight Loss: How Losing Weight Can Help

I'm sure you'd agree that living with back pain can often feel like a full-time job. Thankfully, there are some things that have been proven to "lighten the load". In this article, you'll see why that's more than a heavy-handed pun. Back pain and weight loss are very much connected and being aware of this relationship may [...]

Back Pain and Weight Loss: How Losing Weight Can Help2024-05-13T19:19:51+00:00

How Steve Found Relief from Severe Hip & Back Pain

Steve suffered from severe hip and back pain. He could barely walk, he couldn't ride his Harley, and he couldn't hold or pick up his granddaughters. He went to his doctor who referred him to an orthopedic clinic where he received pain meds and steroid injections. Nothing he tried helped. They then recommended back surgery. [...]

How Steve Found Relief from Severe Hip & Back Pain2021-12-29T20:37:00+00:00

Pain-Free Holidays: Your Guide to Natural Pain Relief Options

If you're one of the about 65 million Americans who suffer with back pain, you may be dreading the holiday season. The holidays are filled with activities that can trigger or worsen chronic back. Spending all day cooking, cleaning, putting up a tree and lights, and carrying heavy packages, can affect our already aching backs. Don't let back pain [...]

Pain-Free Holidays: Your Guide to Natural Pain Relief Options2024-05-13T19:19:51+00:00
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