About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Monica avoids surgery with the DRS Protocol

Monica was just old enough to be out of school and starting her life with her new husband when she started to notice some lower back and left leg pain. At first, she had just figured she had strained some muscles while at the gym or work. So she tried soaking in a hot tub [...]

Monica avoids surgery with the DRS Protocol2014-01-07T19:50:03+00:00

The DRS Protocl

Ernie worked hard all his life so he could retire at an early age and enjoy the rest of his life. He dreamed of himself and his wife traveling once he was retired. Well things don't always work out as planned as Ernie found this out the hard way. Ernie dealt with some sort of [...]

The DRS Protocl2014-01-02T18:59:02+00:00

Sarah no longer suffers from her herniated disc thanks to the DRS Protocol

Sarah’s annual girls shopping trip was approaching fast. It was the one thing she looked forward to every year. It was a weekend filled with shopping, laughing and great memories with her very best friends. She was a little concerned because the last year she has been having pain in her lower back and right [...]

Sarah no longer suffers from her herniated disc thanks to the DRS Protocol2013-12-18T21:41:01+00:00

Carolyn’s herniated disc is pain free with the DRS Protocol

Carolyn was a bus driver on a special needs bus. This required her to bend, lift and twist a lot daily. She loved her job and the children that she transported, but she was starting to think that she should start looking for a new career. Over the years, Carolyn started to develop very painful [...]

Carolyn’s herniated disc is pain free with the DRS Protocol2013-12-17T14:20:48+00:00

After two failed back surgeries, Christopher is pain free with the DRS Protocol

Christopher was a grandfather of 18 and a great-grandfather of 30 but he could not be the grandfather that he use to be because he was suffering from severe back pain due to a herniated disc. His pain had gotten to the point that doing daily tasks like using the stairs at his lake house [...]

After two failed back surgeries, Christopher is pain free with the DRS Protocol2013-12-12T21:05:25+00:00

The DRS Protocol

Larry had always been a fan of winter time. He loved all the activities he could do in the winter; skiing, ice fishing, but his favorite was taking his kids sledding.  Last year while he was out with the kids, he had taken a fall and heard a pop in his back. He did all [...]

The DRS Protocol2013-12-10T20:57:57+00:00

Treatment with the DRS Protocol

Jessica was like any other teenager growing up. She loved being part of her high school swim team. Until one day when she started to notice pain in her leg and lower back. Along with the pain in her leg she would on occasion notice her leg feeling numb. It would take everything she had [...]

Treatment with the DRS Protocol2013-12-09T19:32:10+00:00

Aaron is playing hockey again thanks to the DRS Protocol

Aaron had been an avid hockey lover ever since he was a young kid.  He played every chance he could and went to every game that he could get tickets to. Aaron had started having soreness in back a couple years ago and he was just chalking it up to getting older. Aaron was starting [...]

Aaron is playing hockey again thanks to the DRS Protocol2013-12-03T16:47:16+00:00

The DRS Protocol

Gene had been retired for many years but was unable to enjoy any of it due to his lumbar and right leg pain. Since retirement, all Gene did was visit one doctor to the next trying to find out why he was in so much pain. Well finally a diagnosis was made, Gene suffered from [...]

The DRS Protocol2013-12-02T22:18:22+00:00

Karen is pain free from her herniated disc with the DRS Protocol

Karen loved to ice skate. She stared when she was just a little girl and continued on into her adult life. She had been to several competitions and even volunteered to teach little kids. Karen had started having pain in her left leg that made it hard for her to skate which was very depressing [...]

Karen is pain free from her herniated disc with the DRS Protocol2013-11-26T21:35:18+00:00
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