About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Catherine is able to ride a bike and be active again thanks to the DRS Protocol

Catherine and her husband Phillip were avid bikers. They would bike trails together, with friends, as well as compete in races close to their home. She loved to be active and live a healthy lifestyle together with Phillip. Over the years Catherine began to notice she was unable to bike for long periods of time [...]

Catherine is able to ride a bike and be active again thanks to the DRS Protocol2014-02-12T19:26:51+00:00

Non-surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol

Katrina was a very active young mother of three. She loved taking care of her children and enjoyed all outdoor activities with them. When she started to have lower back pain and also pain in the buttock, it slowed her down and she had to be careful about what she would do with her children [...]

Non-surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol2014-02-11T14:20:00+00:00

The DRS Protocol

Clara was a delivery driver for her daughter s bakery. She loved the fact that she was able to help her daughter with her business and spent some extra time with her as well. The days seemed to fly by because the bakery was becoming very popular and people just couldn’t seem to get enough. [...]

The DRS Protocol2014-02-10T16:36:43+00:00

Non-Surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol

At 32 years old, Sam was very active and didn’t have a lot of time to spend at the doctor’s office. He played softball, bowled on a league with friends and his wife was close to having their first baby. So when Sam started having pain in his left leg, he tried to do what [...]

Non-Surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol2014-02-07T13:37:14+00:00

Gina avoids surgery from her bulging discs with the DRS Procotol

Gina started suffering from constant pain in the left arm and shoulder in October. On occasion, she would also experience spasms which caused her arm and hand to go numb. Her pain was progressively getting worse and became so bad that she resorted to sleeping in the upright position. She finally gave in and in [...]

Gina avoids surgery from her bulging discs with the DRS Procotol2014-02-06T13:49:17+00:00

Brittany avoids surgery for her herniated disc with the DRS Protocol

Over a 10 year period, Brittany had been too many chiropractors for her low back pain that all made the same promise. They would help her with her pain, but none of them did. All she wanted was to be able to do things she was accustomed to doing like climbing stairs the normal way [...]

Brittany avoids surgery for her herniated disc with the DRS Protocol2014-02-04T13:30:17+00:00

Nancy is able to work again thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol

I was always a very active person in both my personal and professional life. At work I would be on my feet all day tending to patients and their needs and while at home I was very involved with my grand children’s sporting events, cooking, and cleaning around the house. However, over the past few [...]

Nancy is able to work again thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol2014-02-03T19:41:09+00:00

No more suffering from a herniated disc! The DRS Protocol

Jenni went to work exhausted again this morning. It’s been the same thing on and off for the past six months.  Jenni was involved in a car accident almost a year ago which was still causing her a lot of pain. Since the accident, she has had excruciating pain in her lower back and also [...]

No more suffering from a herniated disc! The DRS Protocol2014-01-30T16:37:33+00:00

Rene becomes pain free from her degenerative disc with the non-surgical alternative, DRS Protocol

Rene is a stay at home mother of three and she also runs a daycare in her home. She loves to be able to watch her children and also help out family and friends by keeping their children when needed. The only down fall she has found is it takes a toll on her body [...]

Rene becomes pain free from her degenerative disc with the non-surgical alternative, DRS Protocol2014-01-28T13:33:14+00:00
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