About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Sarah avoids surgery from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol

Gymnastics was the only thing that Sarah could remember doing her entire life. She started before she could walk and was now in high school still competing. You can probably imagine the devastation that she was feeling after a tumbling accident left her unable to compete for the rest of the year. Sarah had x-rays [...]

Sarah avoids surgery from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol2014-03-06T20:14:23+00:00

Pain medication and epidurals didn’t work. The DRS Protocol

Marie had been dealing with constant back and left leg pain for several years. Anytime she did any bending, twisting, or even walked short distances she would have sharp shooting pain from her lower back down into her left leg. She had been to several different doctors and they all prescribed pain medications. She even [...]

Pain medication and epidurals didn’t work. The DRS Protocol2014-03-04T21:27:02+00:00

Norma is able to make handmade crafts again thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol!

Before having neuropathy I spent a lot of my time at my sewing machine. It was my passion to create something someone could enjoy! My family always loved my handmade gifts during the holidays. My friends and I also attended every sewing convention in the Midwest.   Over the past five years I slowly started losing [...]

Norma is able to make handmade crafts again thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol!2014-03-04T20:31:05+00:00

After having a bad reaction to pain medication, Mike tried The DRS Protocol

Mike and Carol were so excited when they closed on their lake home. They had been dreaming of retiring at the lake for many years. Mike was planning on retiring next summer, so they had time to do a few projects around their other home before putting it up for sale. One day, while working [...]

After having a bad reaction to pain medication, Mike tried The DRS Protocol2014-03-03T16:30:57+00:00

Jerry takes the non-surgical approach, The DRS Protocol

Jerry was wounded in Vietnam when the truck he was in was blown up. For over forty years, Jerry suffered with neck pain and headaches due to degeneration in the cervical spine. He sought out regular chiropractic care but only had short term relief from the pain and headaches. After a while, Jerry decided that [...]

Jerry takes the non-surgical approach, The DRS Protocol2014-02-27T19:43:41+00:00

Caitlyn avoids surgery on her lower back with The DRS Protocol

Caitlyn was having a typical day at work when she started to feel some achiness in her lower back. She didn’t think much of it at the time since she had been on her feet most of the day lifting things. Later in the week, she noticed the achy feeling again in her lower back [...]

Caitlyn avoids surgery on her lower back with The DRS Protocol2014-02-25T12:37:20+00:00

After a failed back surgery due to a herniated disc, Joey is pain free with The DRS Protocol

Joey's favorite thing to do after work every day was ride his motorcycle. The cold weather never stopped him from riding and he thought to himself that nothing could stand in the way of him riding his Harley. Until one day, he developed severe lumbar area pain that was shooting down the left leg. Joey [...]

After a failed back surgery due to a herniated disc, Joey is pain free with The DRS Protocol2014-02-24T15:14:37+00:00

Karen avoids surgery from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol

Karen was a nurse at a very busy hospital. Her job required her to do a lot of lifting, bending, twisting as well as walking on concrete for over 12 hours a day. Karen loved her job, but she was getting to the point that she was unable to care for her patients properly due [...]

Karen avoids surgery from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol2014-02-20T16:37:20+00:00

Sampson no longer takes pain medication for his herniated disc thanks to The DRS Protocol

Sampson was in the kitchen taking more pain medication when his wife came in and asked him to watch a program on television with her. It was a program about Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™. Sampson did just as his wife had asked and decided to get comfortable on the couch and watch the [...]

Sampson no longer takes pain medication for his herniated disc thanks to The DRS Protocol2014-02-18T14:53:11+00:00

Jenny is pain free from her herniated disc with the non-surgical, DRS Protocol

Jenny had been going to pain clinics, neurologists, and orthopedic doctors for over a period of 8 years. She would hear the same thing over and over. She was told that she was suffering from a herniated disc in her lumbar spine and surgery was her only option. She was also told that she had [...]

Jenny is pain free from her herniated disc with the non-surgical, DRS Protocol2014-02-12T21:08:07+00:00
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