About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol

I had been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for over 10 years. The neuropathy came on gradually, it began with tingling in my feet and legs and it progressively got worse. When I began to have no feeling in my feet and legs I began to disconnect from the world. I was unable to live my life to [...]

Thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol2014-04-02T12:15:15+00:00

Beth is pain free from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol

Beth had always lived on a farm her entire life. She loved growing her own food and taking care of all of the animals. She was very proud that her grandkids had also developed a passion for animas. Several of her grandkids would show animals at the state and local fairs. Over the years, Beth [...]

Beth is pain free from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol2014-04-01T13:06:30+00:00

Carly ends her daily neck pain and headaches with The DRS Protocol

Carly never had any issues with headaches or neck pain until she was water skiing one day and had a really bad fall. She felt her neck whip forward and it was from that moment on that she started experiencing daily headaches and neck pain. Carly went many years just dealing with the pain and [...]

Carly ends her daily neck pain and headaches with The DRS Protocol2014-03-25T14:10:29+00:00

Joshua avoids a second back surgery with The DRS Protocol

Joshua had been living everyday with severe lower back pain since the operation he had that was suppose to correct his herniated disc. Over the years, the pain continued to get worse and and so did the herniation in the lumbar spine. He had pretty much accepted the fact that it would probably never get [...]

Joshua avoids a second back surgery with The DRS Protocol2014-03-24T15:21:57+00:00

Non-surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol

Stephanie and her husband loved the outdoors; they loved to camp, hike, canoe and garden. For the past five years, Stephanie has been dealing with pain in her lower back and in her right leg. The constant pain has kept her from being able to do all the things she loves. Stephanie has seen several [...]

Non-surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol2014-03-20T13:01:19+00:00

Thomas avoids having a second back surgery with The DRS Protocol

Thomas has always been a hard worker; he has been a farmer all his life. He loves to be out in the fields from sun up to sun down. All the physical work and bouncing around in the tractors has taken a toll on Thomas’ back. He has already had surgery once for a herniated [...]

Thomas avoids having a second back surgery with The DRS Protocol2014-03-18T12:01:41+00:00

After suffering from a herniated disc in his back, Brad is now pain free with The DRS PRotocol

Brad was at work when during the middle of the day he noticed a mild ache in his lower back. He took some Aleve and it went away so he didn’t think much of the back ache. Throughout a period of time, he continued to notice the back ache returning. He also noticed the back [...]

After suffering from a herniated disc in his back, Brad is now pain free with The DRS PRotocol2014-03-17T13:22:22+00:00

Davis is playing soccer again after treatment with The DRS Protocol

Davis was a soccer player who was suffering from pain in his left hip and leg. He had constant throbbing pain that would shoot down into his foot. This pain made it impossible for him to run on the soccer field. He thought for sure he had damaged his hip from all the years of [...]

Davis is playing soccer again after treatment with The DRS Protocol2014-03-13T15:54:30+00:00

The DRS Protocol

Jordan had been going to pain clinics, neurologists, and orthopedic doctors for a period of 3 years. He felt as if he was always being told the same thing. That he needed to have surgery on his lower back to correct his herniated disc and that his only option for the neuropathy pain is to [...]

The DRS Protocol2014-03-11T12:46:57+00:00

Travis avoids having a third surgery with The DRS Protocol

Travis had been working in factories all his life. The work that he did was very physical. It would require him to do a lot of bending, lifting, and twisting. One day after work, he had noticed that his legs were feeling weak like they could not hold him up. Over time, that feeling became [...]

Travis avoids having a third surgery with The DRS Protocol2014-03-10T13:08:04+00:00
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