About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Greg is able to stand and teach pain free thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol

Greg is a professor at a local college teaching history.  He has taught for over 50 years and thoroughly enjoys interacting with the students. As a professor he must be on his feet for long periods of time, this never bothered him until the past 4 years. Greg began to develop neuropathy symptoms. He had [...]

Greg is able to stand and teach pain free thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol2014-04-21T16:08:42+00:00

Bulging disc corrected with the non-surgical approach, The DRS Protocol

Lisa had no idea what caused her to have constant pain in her legs and numbness in her feet. She had been dealing with it for over three years now. In the past year, Lisa noticed that the pain and numbness had become more intense. With all of her pain and numbness, it made it [...]

Bulging disc corrected with the non-surgical approach, The DRS Protocol2014-04-15T13:37:24+00:00

Cynthia is pain-free from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol

Cynthia was a stay at home mom with three young boys ranging in age from 18 months to six years old. She was always on the go with appointments, play dates and just her normal day to day activities. When she was pregnant with her youngest child, she began having a lot of lower back [...]

Cynthia is pain-free from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol2014-04-14T19:23:35+00:00

Henry is now able to get back to skiing thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol!

I was an avid snow skier all my life, I grew up in Northern Michigan where skiing was a huge part of my life. However, my neuropathy progressively kept getting worse. My feet were constantly burning and developing sharp shooting pains. This made it impossibe to enjoy what I loved the most. One day I saw [...]

Henry is now able to get back to skiing thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol!2014-04-14T18:41:49+00:00

No more leg pain for Veronica thanks to The DRS Protocol

Veronica had been experiencing such terrible leg pain and stiffness that her own family could see it in her face and hear it in her voice. She was going to a chiropractor but the results just would not last. Her pain would subside for about a day before returning. She was told that the bulging [...]

No more leg pain for Veronica thanks to The DRS Protocol2014-04-10T13:32:52+00:00

Rick is no longer suffering with a herniated disc thanks to The DRS Protocol

Rick was an over the road truck driver and about 8 years ago, he was involved in an auto accident. He had suffered from low back and hip pain ever since. The accident has affected his job as well as his personal life. He was unable to sit for extended periods of time, unable to [...]

Rick is no longer suffering with a herniated disc thanks to The DRS Protocol2014-04-08T18:23:48+00:00

Katrina no longer suffers from a herniated disc thanks to The DRS Protocol

Katrina had been suffering from spasms in her lower back for almost a year. She was at the point where just walking through her house would cause her to have spasms. Along with the spasms, she would have stiffness and soreness in her lower back but the spasms were more of a concern for her. [...]

Katrina no longer suffers from a herniated disc thanks to The DRS Protocol2014-04-07T19:26:30+00:00

Debbi can finally enjoy the great outdoors again thanks to the Busch Neuroapthy Protocol

I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy three years ago, It has been very hard not being able to do the things that I love. My husband and I have traveled to all 50 states in our RV. Camping and the great outdoors has been something I have enjoyed since a child. My symptoms started with [...]

Debbi can finally enjoy the great outdoors again thanks to the Busch Neuroapthy Protocol2014-04-07T17:57:03+00:00

Cali is pain free from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol

Cali was starting college in the fall. She had always wanted to be a nurse, so she was thrilled when she found out she was accepted into the nursing program at her first choice college. She had decided she wanted to find a summer job that would give her some experience. So she went to [...]

Cali is pain free from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol2014-04-04T13:42:14+00:00

Jason’s pain returned after surgery on his ruptured disc, The DRS Protocol

After having an accident at work at the age of twenty one, Jason was left with a ruptured disc and in his lower back. The pain in his lower back and legs made it impossible for him to do his job as a firefighter. He had been to specialists and had numerous tests in which [...]

Jason’s pain returned after surgery on his ruptured disc, The DRS Protocol2014-04-02T12:59:29+00:00
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