About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Rebecca is pain free from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol

Rebecca has been miserable for years due to the pain in her lower back. It hurt for her to do everyday tasks such as dressing, walking and getting in and out of a chair. She has been seeing other chiropractors that were able to provide her with relief, but the pain always came back. She [...]

Rebecca is pain free from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol2014-05-13T12:11:38+00:00

Renee is now pain-free thanks to the Busch Neuropathy Protocol

Renee was suffering for years with numbness, tingling, burning, cold sensations, as well as cramping. These pains slowly became more severe and began to affect her daily lifestyle. Renee was soon unable to do simple things as where close toed shoes, have blankets cover her feet, or walk long distances. One afternoon she saw a [...]

Renee is now pain-free thanks to the Busch Neuropathy Protocol2014-05-07T12:12:02+00:00

After a failed back surgery, Brooke is now pain free with The DRS Protocol

Six years ago, Brooke was suffering from numbness, tingling, and pain in her left leg. She decided to have surgery to rid her of the pain and this worked for five years but a year ago, the pain returned. She was again having the exact same symptoms she had prior to her surgery. She did [...]

After a failed back surgery, Brooke is now pain free with The DRS Protocol2014-05-06T13:20:39+00:00

The DRS Protocol

Shannon was doing some housework when she felt a “pop” in her back that caused her to fall to ground in extreme pain. She laid there for a few minutes until her husband came in from outside and immediately helped her up. Shannon did nothing for the next few days but lay around on the [...]

The DRS Protocol2014-05-01T18:09:37+00:00

Janelle no longer suffers with a herniated disc in her lower back thanks to The DRS Protocol

Janelle was a nurse in the ER and loved her job. She loved that fact that she was helping people. One evening at work last fall, Janelle had hurt her back while helping lift a patient. She figured she just pulled a muscle and it would get better with time. After a few months of [...]

Janelle no longer suffers with a herniated disc in her lower back thanks to The DRS Protocol2014-04-28T17:54:06+00:00

Charlotte is able to get back to her career thanks to the Busch Neuropathy Protocol

Charlotte started attending church in junior high and fell in the love with it. She even went on to attend a Christian college with a major in youth ministries. Upon graduating she was offered a position at a church in her hometown. As she worked with teenagers she was always on her feet and involved [...]

Charlotte is able to get back to her career thanks to the Busch Neuropathy Protocol2014-04-28T16:09:53+00:00

Scott is pain free from his herniated disc with The DRS Protocol

Scott had an ATV accident when he was a teenager. Since the accident, there was one problem that seemed to bother him all the time and that was his back pain. He wasn’t sure if it was from the accident or if it was just from the everyday wear and tear on his body. No [...]

Scott is pain free from his herniated disc with The DRS Protocol2014-04-22T12:05:01+00:00

Austin is now pain free without surgery thanks to The DRS Protocol

When Austin started having leg pain that affected his job as a cop, he knew that he needed to find help that wouldn’t require time off of work. The pain was affecting the things he was able to do at his job. He could no longer ride in a patrol car by himself because of [...]

Austin is now pain free without surgery thanks to The DRS Protocol2014-04-21T20:12:17+00:00
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