About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Jennifer is now pain and symptom free from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol

Jennifer suffered from severe migraines for many years. She was told that the reason for these migraines were due to allergies. She was given some allergy medication but was told that she would continue to suffer with these migraines for the rest of her life. Jennifer went on believing this diagnosis for many years, that [...]

Jennifer is now pain and symptom free from her herniated disc with The DRS Protocol2014-06-17T14:38:45+00:00

Henry is off all pain medication due to a degenerative disc thanks to The DRS Protocol

Henry has been dealing with back pain all of his life. He remembers being a young kid and going to the doctor because of pain, but was told the pain was due to growing pains.  He thought he had his pain managed with medication and frequent chiropractor visits, but in the last year and a [...]

Henry is off all pain medication due to a degenerative disc thanks to The DRS Protocol2014-06-11T15:45:46+00:00

Rosie is now free from her neuropathy pain thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Center!!

Rosie has been very active in her community donating time at the local elementary schools helping whenever extra help was needed. Over the past several years it has become more and more to move and perform normal daily activities. Rosie began having burning in her hands and feet, which worsened over time causing her numbness [...]

Rosie is now free from her neuropathy pain thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Center!!2014-06-10T18:03:12+00:00

After two failed surgeries to correct his herniated disc, Bill is pain free with The DRS Protocol

Bill had two back surgeries in less than 2 years and the back pain returned both times. After the second surgery, he was also suffering with pain down both legs. It took everything he had to make it through his work day as a Fireman. His pain made it impossible for him to carry the [...]

After two failed surgeries to correct his herniated disc, Bill is pain free with The DRS Protocol2014-06-09T19:49:57+00:00

Kendra no longer suffers with pain from her herniated disc after The DRS Protocol

Kendra had been suffering on and off for over 3 years with lower back, hip, and foot pain. It would range in severity from an annoyance to excruciating pain. Sometimes she would even experience numbness in her left thigh and in the toes of her left foot. All of this made even the simple everyday [...]

Kendra no longer suffers with pain from her herniated disc after The DRS Protocol2014-06-03T20:32:50+00:00

Non-Surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol

Claire spent most of her life doing what she loved most, dancing ballet. She had been dancing since she was five years old. As an adult, she even opened her own dance studio where she began to teach children and adults the beautiful art of ballet. Claire was absolutely devastated when she could no longer [...]

Non-Surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol2014-05-22T17:47:08+00:00

Roy no longer suffers with a bulging disc in his lower back after treating with The DRS Protocol

Roy was an avid sports lover, but his favorite by far was basketball. He played in high school and some in college until he had an automobile accident that kept him from doing what he loved most. After the accident, Roy continued to have discomfort in his lower back and eventually he also suffered with [...]

Roy no longer suffers with a bulging disc in his lower back after treating with The DRS Protocol2014-05-19T15:44:16+00:00

Jenny is on her way to being pain-free thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol

I have always enjoyed gardening, growing up my mother and I would spend our entire summer always out digging in the dirt! Our garden was so plentiful we provided vegetables to all of the farmers markets around the state of Indiana. About 2 years ago I started suffering with burning in my feet. This made [...]

Jenny is on her way to being pain-free thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol2014-05-15T19:34:07+00:00
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