About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Janice no longer suffers with herniated disc from her car accident, thanks to The DRS Protocol

Janice had been suffering from lower back pain since a car accident about 12 years ago. The pain was so bad in the mornings that she hated to get out of bed.  The only thing that her medical doctor would do was give her were painkillers that would only temporarily help with the pain. She [...]

Janice no longer suffers with herniated disc from her car accident, thanks to The DRS Protocol2014-08-11T19:29:06+00:00

Wesley is able to work again thanks to Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol

Wesley and his family farmed most of the corn fields in Northern Indiana. Farming involved very long hours during the summer in a combine tractor. Mornings usually started in the fields around 5 a.m. and ended around 11 p.m. After years of living with diabetes, he was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. This caused severe bu [...]

Wesley is able to work again thanks to Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol2014-08-11T15:28:34+00:00

Josh no longer suffers from his ruptured disc thanks to The DRS Protocol

Josh was suffering from severe lower back and leg pain for many years.  After being treated by his physician with pain killers and steroids, he was still in pain. That is when it was suggested that he go see an orthopedic doctor for his pain. It was at that time that he was told that [...]

Josh no longer suffers from his ruptured disc thanks to The DRS Protocol2014-08-05T17:40:13+00:00

Sierra is pain-free thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol

Sierra started having tingling and sharp pains in her toes. She went to her family doctor where she was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. Her doctor said there was nothing he could do except to put her on medication to help alleviate the intensity of the symptoms. Sierra never liked to medicate herself, so she continued [...]

Sierra is pain-free thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol2014-08-04T18:05:11+00:00

Allen is able to walk on his own again thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol

Allen suffered from severe neuropathy symptoms. He had constant numbness, tingling, and burning sensations in the feet and legs. These symptoms became so severe that he could no longer stand and walk without assistance. Allen was forced to use a cane and even a wheelchair for long distances. Allen had been to numerous doctors who [...]

Allen is able to walk on his own again thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol2014-07-28T18:36:09+00:00

Shana no longer suffers with a herniated disc thanks to the non-surgical DRS Protocol

Shana was an active 20 year old college student. She loved to always be busy doing things like rollerblading, biking, swimming and going camping with friends. The only problem was that Shana was constantly in pain. She suffered with severe low back pain that kept her from doing the things she loved. She was not [...]

Shana no longer suffers with a herniated disc thanks to the non-surgical DRS Protocol2014-07-28T17:47:01+00:00

Savannah’s herniated disc is corrected with the non-surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol

Savannah was finally living her dream! She had a successful business, a beautiful home and a loving family. She enjoyed working out and spending her free time doing things with her kids. A couple times a year, Savannah would be bed ridden with back pain. She would try everything she could think of to get [...]

Savannah’s herniated disc is corrected with the non-surgical treatment, The DRS Protocol2014-07-23T14:24:57+00:00

Back Pain Relief at Fort Wayne Chiropractor

Patient Review: Back Pain Relief at Busch Chiropractic The DRS Protocol® treatment changed Janice's life. Before treatment at Busch Chiropractic Fort Wayne she suffered with intense pain in her back and legs. Since treatment, she was able to put away her walker and stop taking her pain medications.

Back Pain Relief at Fort Wayne Chiropractor2014-07-22T20:36:13+00:00

Thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol

Tiffany first started noticing burning and cramping in her feet two years ago. She would run several marathons a year and even worked as a track coach for a high school. After Tiffany was diagnosed with cancer she had to do chemotherapy. Giving up her career and hobby was heartbreaking for her. Thankfully she is [...]

Thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol2014-07-16T13:08:38+00:00
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