About Busch Chiropractic

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So far Busch Chiropractic has created 407 blog entries.

Back pain & Medications can make you feel like a zombie

Is Back Pain Turning You Into a Zombie?   Walking stiffly? Moving slowly and deliberately? Moaning? These might be acceptable behaviors if you are brushing up on your Zombie impression for an upcoming Halloween party, but if you find yourself walking and moving and feeling like one of the walking dead it may be a [...]

Back pain & Medications can make you feel like a zombie2024-05-13T19:19:57+00:00

Sarah no longer suffers from degenerative disc disease after treatment with The DRS Protocol

Sarah had been suffering with constant neck and right arm pain that became worse with certain activities for many years. She came to a point that she was unable to ride in the car due to the pain she would experience. Sarah had been to her family doctor who ordered an MRI and found that [...]

Sarah no longer suffers from degenerative disc disease after treatment with The DRS Protocol2014-10-15T18:33:46+00:00

Ruth is able to play the piano again thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol

Growing up, Ruth enjoyed playing the piano with her mother. They would practice every night laughing and singing together. As an adult she taught piano lessons. Ruth loved to watch the children learn the keys and notes of the music. Over the past few months Ruth began having numbness, tingling, and burning sensations in her [...]

Ruth is able to play the piano again thanks to the Busch Chiropractic Neuropathy Protocol2014-10-06T21:14:19+00:00

Gary is able to enjoy his hobby of motorcycles again thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol

Gary was a motorcycle enthusiast; he enjoyed collecting anything that involved motorcycle memorabilia. All of his spare time involved restoration and going to garage sales to find new treasures. This made it very necessary to be on his feet for long periods of time. Over the past couple years; it has been getting more difficult [...]

Gary is able to enjoy his hobby of motorcycles again thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol2014-10-02T13:20:28+00:00

Chronic pain? You’re not alone!

47% of American Adults Suffer with Chronic Pain Here’s a sad fact:  About half of all Americans suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts longer than six months, and can vary in intensity from mild to agonizing, and, in some cases, can be physically debilitating. The pain can be anything [...]

Chronic pain? You’re not alone!2024-05-13T19:19:57+00:00

Thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol

Macy suffered from severe neuropathy in the feet and legs bilaterally. These symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning, cold sensations, and stabbing pains kept Macy from doing many normal daily activities such as walking to the mailbox and cleaning her home. Macy even began to stay home rather than being involved in family functions and other [...]

Thanks to the Neuropathy Protocol2014-09-23T13:34:09+00:00

After suffering with a herniated disc for 10 years, Josh is now pain free with The DRS Protocol

Josh was tired of dealing with constant pain. For over 10 years, he had been dealing with pain in the low back, hip and leg, which was the result of a herniated disc in the lower back. No matter what he did, the pain would never go away. For several years, he had been trying [...]

After suffering with a herniated disc for 10 years, Josh is now pain free with The DRS Protocol2014-09-22T14:49:25+00:00

What’s putting the ache in your headache?

Are headaches a pain in your neck? If you suffer with headaches you’re not alone. Headaches are one of the most common ailments and can range from dull to debilitating. In fact, nine out of ten Americans suffer with headaches. Do You Suffer With: Sensitivity to light or noise Band-like pain, pressure or throbbing Irritability Inability to work or enjoy [...]

What’s putting the ache in your headache?2024-05-13T19:19:57+00:00

Helen no longer suffers with a bulging disc after The DRS Protocol

Helen was out on her morning walk for about 20 minutes when she started to notice that her lower legs were feeling achy and tingling. She had never had this sensation when walking before so she went home and rested for a little while and the pain and tingling subsided. Later that day, she was [...]

Helen no longer suffers with a bulging disc after The DRS Protocol2014-09-15T19:02:44+00:00
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