Andrew was a young man that loved coaching and playing sports with his children until the day that his pain started. Andrew was experiencing so much low back and leg pain that the only thing that gave him relief was laying flat. After a month of doing nothing but laying flat, he decided it was time to find out the cause of his symptoms.

Andrew scheduled an appointment with his family physician and found out that he had a herniated disc in the L5 area of his spine. He was referred to a surgeon and had surgery about one month later. Andrew never had relief of his symptoms following that surgery and thought that he would have to live with his pain for the rest of his life.

His wife actually is the one that saw the commerical for the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and decided to call to make her husband an appointment. After being treated with the DRS Protocol®™, Andrew is back to living the life that a 30 year old should. He is able to work, play with his children and coach their sporting events without any pain. He is so very grateful for all that the DRS Protocol®™ did for him!