Veronica had been suffering from severe low back pain for years due to a degenerative disc in her lumbar spine. It did not matter if she was sitting or standing, she would have pain within 25 minutes. Driving, preparing meals, shopping and housekeeping were all extremely difficult for her to do. The Tylenol and arthritis medications she had been taking over the years did not give her complete comfort, the pain was always there. Physical Therapy seemed to increase her pain.  Aqua Therapy did help but it was only temporary. Veronica got to a point that she thought she was never going to find relief.

After seeing a television advertisement for the Busch Chiropractic Clinic and the DRS Protocol®™, Veronica thought to herself, what could it hurt to make an appointment. She wanted to avoid surgery and she had already tried therapies that did not seem to work. Upon finding out she was a perfect candidate for the DRS Protocol®™, Veronica knew this was something she needed to try to find the relief she had not received yet.

The first thing Veronica had noticed from her DRS Protocol®™ treatment was improvement with her sleep. She was able to sleep on her back for the first time in years and also sleep through the night. She was also able to drive without being in pain and now drives just for pleasure. She noticed improvement with every treatment she had. By the end of her treatment program, Veronica was virtually pain free! Preparing meals, shopping, and housekeeping were no longer something she feared doing. She had finally found the relief she had been looking for all those years. Veronica sends every one that she knows with back trouble to the Busch Chiropractic Center.