Saturday started off as any normal Saturday would for David. He did some light house cleaning and ended with mowing his yard. David never would have been able to guess that he would be in the E.R. later that day instead of at his sons baseball game. David found out while in the E.R. that he herniated a disc in his lumbar spine and that was the cause of his severe lumbar area pain as well as the numbness in both of his legs. David was given countless medications as well as costly testing for the pain and told to call a surgeon on Monday morning. David did just that but was unpleased when he was told that he would need yet another surgery on the lumbar spine. David already had 3 previous surgeries and was absolutely not going to go through all the pain and recovery time again! He thought to himself that there has to be another treatment for his symptoms. David decided that it was time to do some investigating for himself. He decided to get on the internet and see what the world wide web could offer him. That is when he came across the Busch Chiropractic Center and saw that they specialized in a non-surgical treatment for herniated discs. David did not waste any time at all, he immediately got on the phone and made an appointment! David was so happy when he found out that he was a canidate for the DRS Protocol®™ and began treatments immediately. After finishing the DRS Protocol®™, David is now pain and symptom free and has been for many years! This saved him from another costly surgery and he is so thankful that he decided to do his own research!