Fishing was Trent’s life since he retired. He taught his kids and now he is teaching his grandkids all the tricks to catching “the big one”. Several years ago Trent started having low back pain, he just thought it was because he was hard on his body when he was younger. He would take ibuprofen and put heat on it and it would feel better for a little bit and he would go on with his normal activities.

One day while out fishing, he moved wrong and felt sharp pain in his lower back and even pain down his right leg. He immediately went home and tried his usual tricks, but it didn’t ease his pain this time. Trent was in pain for several days before he went to see his family doctor. He was given some prescriptions and was told to take it easy.  Trent did as his doctor. ordered but he didn’t like the feeling the pills gave him and he was too active to just lie around all day.

Trent continued to have pain that he just dealt with for over a year. One day while talking with a friend, Trent was referred to Dr. Busch. After talking to DR. Busch, he learned that he was suffering from a herniated disc in the lumbar spine and that is what caused him the severe lower back and leg pain. Trent was very pleased to learn that there was a treatment for his pain, the DRS Protocol®™! Trent began treatment right away and was given hope that he would be back out on the lakes fishing again. After a few months of treatments with the DRS Protocol®™, Trent is now pain free and has his life back! Thanks to Dr. Busch and the DRS Protocol®™.