Joey’s favorite thing to do after work every day was ride his motorcycle. The cold weather never stopped him from riding and he thought to himself that nothing could stand in the way of him riding his Harley. Until one day, he developed severe lumbar area pain that was shooting down the left leg. Joey could not recall doing anything to cause this pain to happen. He just woke up with it one day and as the days  passed, the pain became more severe. Joey’s pain was unbearable and he knew that it was time to seek a professionals opinion.

After trying nearly everything to alleviate this pain including: physical therapy, pain medications and cortisone injections, Joey’s family doctor had recommended surgery. His doctor diagnosed him with a herniated disc in the lumbar spine that was putting pressure on the nerve and causing the pain in the leg. He was told that surgery was now his only option. This really stressed Joey out! Even though he did have medical insurance, he knew that the surgery would be very costly and he had no idea how he would pay for it. Joey decided that it was time to sell his Harley to help cover the cost of the surgery. He was devasted but was unable to enjoy riding it anymore due to the awful pain he was having. Joey under went the surgery and had been recovering for about four weeks but was still having the exact same symptoms. He decided that it was time to take matters into his own hands!

He heard of the Busch Chiropractic Center before he had the surgery and decided that it was time to call and schedule. After his initial exam and x-ray, Joey was very pleased to learn that even after having surgery on his lower back, he was a candidate for The DRS Protocol®™. Joey noticed a reduction in his pain level immediately after starting treatment with The DRS Protocol®™. After finishing his DRS Protocol®™, Joey is now pain free and living a normal life again. He has recently bought a new Harley and back to riding every day. The only mistake he says that he made was not coming to see Dr. Busch first and saving himself such a costly and time consuming surgery!