Roughly 31 million Americans experience low back pain at any given time. In fact, back pain is now the leading cause of disability worldwide. It could impact your daily functioning and quality of life.

Instead of struggling with back pain, learn how to maintain a healthy spine! Show your back a little love with these 5 ways that can help you avoid aches and pains that might slow you down.

1. Exercise

You may have thought that exercise only helped you lose weight or gain muscle. But, did you know that it also helps your back? 

Exercise strengthens your back and core muscles and can help prevent back pain. It can also help increase nutrients and blood flow to the soft tissues in your back that can improve the healing process and help reduce the stiffness that’s causing your back pain.

Make sure to talk to a chiropractor or doctor before you begin exercising. They’ll help you avoid an accidental injury. If your doctor says it’s okay, consider these exercises that are good for your spine:

  • Jogging
  • Cardio
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Sit-ups/crunches
  • Leg lifts on your stomach
  • Swimming
  • Pilates

Exercising and stretching with back exercises can help strengthen your body and could help you avoid back pain in the future. 

And bonus, you may even lose a little weight loss which can reduce your back pain as well! 

2. Improve Your Posture

Posture check! Take a look at how you’re sitting or standing right now. Are you slouching? Your mother always told you to stand up straight or sit up straight for a reason. It was because she loves you and wants to help keep you pain-free. Bad posture can contribute to an aching back and could put unnecessary strain on your spinal discs, leading to pain.

Show your back some love by improving your posture. 

Bad posture doesn’t just affect your spine, slouching could also inhibit breathing, cause headaches, and affect the function of your organs. Sit and stand up straight to improve your overall health. 

3. Get Some Sleep

Another way to show your back some love is to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep each night. A restful night’s sleep can benefit your physical and mental health. Sleeping gives the body the chance to recuperate.

Consider how you’re sleeping, too. You might want to find a better pillow or switch your mattress if back pain is keeping you up. 

4. Visit a Chiropractor

If you really want to show your back some love, visit a chiropractor. A chiropractor not only relieves back pain but can also help prevent it! 

Preventative care keeps your spine properly aligned to help you avoid back pain.

5. Learn to Relax

You may not realize it, but stress could cause back pain. When you’re stressed, your muscles tighten. Prolonged tension in your muscles could lead to back pain. Help yourself relax and unwind with yoga or meditation. Adding relaxation techniques to your routine could help minimize your pain. 

Show Your Spine Some Love: 5 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Back

Don’t let back pain slow you down. Instead, start using these tips for maintaining a happy, healthy back. and put a stop to your aches and pains. 

If you’re suffering from back pain, we can help. Contact us today to learn how we can help relieve your pain.