We’ve all experienced an unknown pain somewhere in our bodies that we have a hard time identifying. Many times we simply brush these pains and aches off until they become so significant that we worry about our health. These ambiguous sorts of pain are often located near our joints, or areas that we use frequently every day.

One sort of pain to watch out for is knee pain, and, more specifically, inner knee pain. Knee pain can occur for a number of reasons and should be treated carefully in order to prevent further damage.

If you don’t have a wealth of medical knowledge, it’s difficult to identify the causes and treatments of inner knee pain. It’s important, though, so read on to better identify the most common causes of this pain.

4 Common Causes of Inner Knee Pain

All varieties of knee pain have unique sensations and causes. Being able to identify them will help you decide whether or not you need to see a doctor. You’ll also be able to better avoid experiencing knee pain again.

1. Injury

The most common cause of knee pain is an injury. Typically in sports or exercise, tears and pulls to the ligaments on the inner knee are quite common.

Another common injury is a sprain or over-stretching of the medial collateral ligament, often referred to as the MCL. This typically occurs when there’s pressure applied to the opposite side of the knee. This sort of pressure is unusual outside of contact sports or physical accidents. Medial collateral ligaments are also susceptible to over-stretching, and can actually tear if the stretching is too extreme.

If you damage your MCL, you’ll likely experience a clicking sound when the injury occurs. You’ll also experience difficulty walking and standing. There will also be a significant amount of swelling.

2. Osteoarthritis

People who experience a degree of pain while putting force upon their knee joints could be dealing with osteoarthritis. This occurs when the cartilage in one’s knee breaks down as a result of osteoarthritis’ degenerative effect.

If you’re having difficulty navigating stairs, sitting down, running, or walking, you may be suffering from osteoarthritis.

3. Contusion

A significant bruise to one’s knee bone is called a contusion. This typically only occurs after a direct blow to the knee has occurred. Contusions lead to discoloration of the skin.

Other symptoms of a knee contusion include general pain, trouble walking and running, and stiffness.

4. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Unlike the other causes of inner knee pain, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. It causes inflammation of the joints and leads to difficulty walking. The symptoms are typically most significant at the beginning of the day, and decrease as one performs more activity.

The main experience of rheumatoid arthritis is sharp knee pain. It can be very severe at times, so be sure to see a doctor if you think you may be experiencing RA.

Knee Pain Treatment in Fort Wayne

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of inner knee pain listed above, visit Busch Chiropractic in Fort Wayne. The Busch Stem Cell Stimulation Protocol has helped thousands of patients in and around the Fort Wayne area get relief from painful knee conditions including:

  • Arthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Meniscus Tear
  • Knee Sprain or Strain
  • Cartilage Damage
  • Swelling in the knee
  • and more.

The Busch Stem Cell Stimulation Protocol is a safe and effective alternative to steroid knee injections, pain pills, and knee replacement surgery. Contact Busch Chiropractic in Fort Wayne today to learn more about our non-invasive treatment and how we can help you get relief from knee pain.