Sarah had been suffering with constant neck and right arm pain that became worse with certain activities for many years. She came to a point that she was unable to ride in the car due to the pain she would experience. Sarah had been to her family doctor who ordered an MRI and found that she was suffering from degenerative disc disease in the cervical spine area. Her family doctor also prescribed to her some pain medication but that made her feel unable to function during the day. Sarah again saw her family doctor to let him know that the medication just was not helping with her pain. He then recommended that she see a chiropractor which she did and had some spinal manipulations. The adjustments did seem to help but only for the day of the treatment and then her pain would return. When this treatment was unsuccessful, Sarah was referred to a spinal surgeon who then recommended that she have a spinal fusion done. Sarah went home to talk to her husband about the surgeons recommendations. Her husband did not like what he was hearing. Sarah’s husband had previously been to The Busch Chiropractic Center for a herniated disc in his lumbar spine and was now pain and symptom free for the past five years. He really wanted his wife to make an appointment to see if Dr. Busch was able to help her without surgery. Sarah decided that it was worth a try and gave Dr. Busch’s office a call right away.

Following her initial exam with Dr. Busch, Sarah was very pleased to find out that she also could be helped with The DRS Protocol®™. Sarah and her husband decided that it was best to start treatment right away. Just after a few treatments with The DRS Protocol®™, Sarah was able to ride comfortably in the car again and she was able to decrease the amount of pain medication that she was taking. After finishing her DRS Protocol®™ treatments, Sarah is now pain and symptom free! She has since then taken many trips in the car without experiencing any pain. She is so thankful that her husband recommended that she see Dr. Busch and try The DRS Protocol®™.