Savannah was finally living her dream! She had a successful business, a beautiful home and a loving family. She enjoyed working out and spending her free time doing things with her kids. A couple times a year, Savannah would be bed ridden with back pain. She would try everything she could think of to get back to normal heating pads, over the counter medications, and pain creams. All of these things would help but she was never sure when it was going to happen again or what was causing this to happen. She had been to her doctor and he gave her a prescription for some pain pills to take the next time it happened. The pain medication would help when she had pain, but it never took away the problem. Savannah was getting fed up with these episodes. She hated missing work and time with her family.
One day, while she was laid up in bed because of her pain, she saw a program for Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™. In the program, he had talked about some of the causes of back problems and she could relate to what he was describing. She decided that she had nothing to lose by calling for a consultation.

After her examine with Dr. Busch, Savannah was thrilled to hear that she actually had some options to prevent her from having these episodes again. She also learned that she was suffering with a herniated disc in her lumbar spine and that was the reason she was having these episodes. She was very thankful when she was told by Dr. Busch that The DRS Protocol®™ was an option that would correct her herniated disc. Savannah began treatment right away.

Following her treatment program with The DRS Protocol®™, Savannah is proud to say that she has not had any wasted moments missing out with her family or work due to back pain.  Being a business owner, Savannah constantly runs into people with lower back and neck pain, she feels that she owes it to them to let them know about Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™. Why wouldn’t anyone want to live a normal and pain free life again?