Cheryl was well known in the real estate community in her area. She had been in the business for almost 30 years. It was her passion and she loved it so much, the only down fall was that it didn’t leave her very much free time to get things done around her own house. On one of her very rare days off, she was busy trying to catch up on all her work around the house when suddenly she started noticing a lot of pain in her lower back. The next day, Cheryl was bed ridden! She thought for sure that she had just over done it with all the work she was trying to get done. 

As the months went on, Cheryl did start to feel a little better but little things such as sneezing or moving wrong would send Cheryl to her bed again. Cheryl decided to go to her family doctor and see if there was anything she could do to prevent this from happening again. Her doctor gave her a couple prescriptions to take but that didn’t solve her problem it just masked the pain. If Cheryl didn’t take the medication, all her pain would return.

After a year of going through these episodes, Cheryl finally decided to find out what the cause of her pain was from. She had heard a lot about Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™ so she decided to call and set up an appointment. Cheryl was very impressed with the thorough examination she received. She had never had a doctor actually listen to her and pay attention like Dr. Busch did. Cheryl had found out that she had a herniated disc and that was the reason for her pain. Cheryl decided to start The DRS Protocol®™ and within a few appointments, she was finding that she was able to do more activities with less pain. After finishing The DRS Protocol®™ treatments, Cheryl is now back to living a pain free life.