Bill had two back surgeries in less than 2 years and the back pain returned both times. After the second surgery, he was also suffering with pain down both legs. It took everything he had to make it through his work day as a Fireman. His pain made it impossible for him to carry the hoses or use the ladders they needed to put out the fires that his station would be called out to. If he wanted to continue doing the job that he loved, he knew something had to be done and it wasn’t another surgery.

One day, he was sitting at the fire station reading the newspaper, when he came across an insert about The Busch Chiropractic Center and The DRS Protocol®™. After reading the information, he thought this is exactly what he had been looking for. He decided right then and there that it was time to schedule an appointment. Following his examination with Dr. Busch, Bill found out that he was suffering from yet another herniated disc. He also found out that he was a candidate for The DRS Protocol®™. This meant he did not have to have another surgery!

When he began treatment, he was unable to perform the duties he needed to help save a family’s house. In just a few short weeks, Bill had noticed that he no longer had any pain going down his legs. He was also able to start using the ladders again. By the end of his treatment, Bill was no longer having the pain in his lower back that he noticed when carrying the fire hoses at work.

Today, Bill feels better than he has in a long time. He is able to work an entire day without having any back or leg pain. He is able to carry the fire hoses and go up and down the ladders at work without a second thought of how he is going to feel after he is done. To him that is worth more than anything. He has been able to return to helping those in need without pain.