Claire spent most of her life doing what she loved most, dancing ballet. She had been dancing since she was five years old. As an adult, she even opened her own dance studio where she began to teach children and adults the beautiful art of ballet. Claire was absolutely devastated when she could no longer teach her classes due to the pain in her neck and arms. She could no longer stand holding her arms above her head because the pain became so severe. At that time, Claire had to hire another instructor to teach all of her classes. This is when Claire knew that it was time to seek help for her symptoms.

Claire did what most people would do first, she contacted her family doctor and scheduled an appointment. Her family doctor then set her up for an MRI which she later found out that she was suffering from a herniated disc in her cervical spine. Claire’s doctor then decided to prescribe her some pain medication and sent her off to do some physical therapy.

Claire thought the physical therapy had done the trick! She was pain and symptom free! That is until she started teaching classes again and all of her original pain and symptoms returned. Claire went back to her family doctor to let him know that the physical therapy only helped her short term. Her family doctor decided that it was time to send her to an Orthopedic doctor.

After meeting with the Orthopedic doctor, Claire was scheduled to have a series of epidurals in her cervical spine. The first one really helped with her pain level. The second one helped as well, but only lasted for about two days and then the third one did not help her at all. Claire was starting to get frustrated. All she wanted to do was be able to teach her ballet class again. Claire knew that there had to be a treatment that could help her live a pain free life again.

Claire was at home one morning reading the news paper when she came across an article on The Busch Chiropractic Center and The DRS Protocol®™. After reading the article, Claire knew she had to call and make an appointment. The DRS Protocol®™ was a treatment offered for herniated discs in the cervical and lumbar spine. This was exactly the type of treatment that she was looking for. She immediately picked up the phone to make an appointment.

After her consultation with Dr. Busch, she found out that she was a candidate for The DRS Protocol®™. Claire was so excited to get started that she began treatment right away. Claire was back to teaching her ballet classes after just a week of treatment! The best part is, her pain did not return after she started teaching again! Claire would recommend Dr. Busch to anyone suffering from lower back or neck pain. The DRS Protocol®™ changed her life.