Renee was suffering for years with numbness, tingling, burning, cold sensations, as well as cramping. These pains slowly became more severe and began to affect her daily lifestyle. Renee was soon unable to do simple things as where close toed shoes, have blankets cover her feet, or walk long distances.

One afternoon she saw a commercial featuring the Busch Chiropractic Center Neuropathy Protocol™. Every symptom that was mentioned she was experiencing so Renee immediately called the clinic and was able to set up an appointment for the very next day.

After having a thorough exam and x-ray performed by Dr. Busch, he diagnosed Renee with peripheral neuropathy.

That same week she began the Busch Neuropathy Protocol™ and had relief that very first week. Now, after completing the protocol Renee is happy to say she is pain-free and able to do all of her normal daily activities.