Six years ago, Brooke was suffering from numbness, tingling, and pain in her left leg. She decided to have surgery to rid her of the pain and this worked for five years but a year ago, the pain returned. She was again having the exact same symptoms she had prior to her surgery. She did not want to go through another surgery so she put off any kind of treatment. However, Brooke and her husband wanted to have another child and that was something she knew she would not be able to do with the pain she was in.

After hearing Dr. Busch’s ad for The DRS Protocol®™ several times, Brooke decided that she needed to call to see if he could help her. Once she had her examination and had a thorough explanation of why she was having her pain again, Brooke knew she had made the right decision to call The Busch Chiropractic Center. Brooke found out that she was suffering from a bulging disc in her lower back. She started treatment right away.

A few weeks after starting treatment, she was noticing improvements with her pain. The tingling sensation and pain was not as intense. She continued to improve with every treatment and before she knew it she had complete feeling back in her leg. Several months into her treatment, she discovered she was pregnant again but was worried her pain might return. With The DRS Protocol®™ treatments she had received and continuing care from Dr. Busch, Brooke was able to carry her baby pain free and remain pain free afterwards as well.