Shannon was doing some housework when she felt a “pop” in her back that caused her to fall to ground in extreme pain. She laid there for a few minutes until her husband came in from outside and immediately helped her up. Shannon did nothing for the next few days but lay around on the couch with a heating pad on. She wasn’t sure what had caused this, but she hoped she would never feel that kind of pain again. Shannon was starting to worry because she couldn’t afford to miss anymore work.

Shannon had gone to her family physician and he had prescribed some anti-inflammatory medication but that wasn’t going to fix her back. She had also gone to a chiropractor who had given her some stretches to help when she would have pain. Shannon was starting to get frustrated because none of the things she had tried were a permanent solution to her back problem and no one had given her a reason why she would have these episodes.

One day, while being laid up on the couch again, due to another episode, Shannon had come across a television program about Dr. Busch. As she watched, she thought this might be just the thing she needed. She decided to call and set up a consultation.

After her consultation with Dr. Busch, she actually had a diagnosis. Shannon learned that she was suffering from a bulging disc and The DRS Protocol®™ could help her. After Shannon started treatments, she began to notice that her pain was becoming less frequent and less intense. Following her DRS Protocol®™ treatments, Shannon no longer fears that she will have another episode. She is now pain and symptom free from her bulging disc.