Charlotte started attending church in junior high and fell in the love with it. She even went on to attend a Christian college with a major in youth ministries. Upon graduating she was offered a position at a church in her hometown.

As she worked with teenagers she was always on her feet and involved in physical activity. During the summers they would have sporting events to bring everyone together and during the winters they would donate their time at the shelters and shoveling for others.

However, for the past three years Charlotte began to have numbness, tingling, and burning in her feet and legs. This also began to affect her balance and held her back from being involved with activities for the kids. She hated sitting on the sidelines so she finally decided to do something about her pain.

Charlotte saw an advertisement for the Busch Chiropractic Center and their Neuropathy Protocol™. She was experiencing all of the sensations that were mentioned in the ad and decided to make a call to set up an appointment. She was able to get in the very next day for her exam.

She began treatment with the Neuropathy Protocol™ that same week and is now happy to say she is pain-free!! Charlotte is able to get involved in the sporting events and other ministries.