Jordan had been going to pain clinics, neurologists, and orthopedic doctors for a period of 3 years. He felt as if he was always being told the same thing. That he needed to have surgery on his lower back to correct his herniated disc and that his only option for the neuropathy pain is to continue with medications. He would also hear that he needed to change or increase the pain medications he was taking. At one point, he was taking as many as 5 different medications to help him with his low back pain and neuropathy. No matter what he was told, or what they tried, it never worked. Jordan’s lower back pain and foot numbness was always there.

Every day was getting harder for Jordan to do normal day to day activities like walking without his back hurting or feeling the ground below his feet. He had lost enough feeling that he couldn’t tell if the water running over his feet in the shower was hot or cold. He was at a point that he knew he had to do something before he seriously hurt himself.

After seeing a TV advertisement for The Busch Chiropractic Clinic and The DRS Protocol®™, he knew he had to set up an appointment. Once he saw the doctor and sat down and talked with him about his condition and what his options were. Jordan decided that The DRS Protocol®™ was better than continuing with medications that were not helping or risking a surgery that might not work either.

After just a few weeks of treatment with The DRS Protocol®™, Jordan was no longer having any lower back pain.  The treatment for his neuropathy was helping as well. He was able to feel the ground below his feet and they were starting to feel warmer.  Since starting the treatment, he has been able to return to walking 5 miles a day without pain. He has also been able to walk around his home without socks or shoes on without the fear of hurting himself. Jordan is very happy with his decision to go to The Busch Chiropractic Clinic and would recommend The DRS Protocol®™ to anyone suffering with lower back or neck pain.