Before having neuropathy I spent a lot of my time at my sewing machine. It was my passion to create something someone could enjoy! My family always loved my handmade gifts during the holidays. My friends and I also attended every sewing convention in the Midwest. 

 Over the past five years I slowly started losing feeling in my hands and feet. It become harder every day to do the thing I enjoyed the most. Handling the tiny pieces that were involved with sewing became nearly impossible! Even walking around in a store became unbearable.

I went to my doctor and he told me that there was no cure for neuropathy but they could prescribe me some medication. I felt it worked for a short time, but always came back. One day I saw a commercial for the Busch Chiropractic Center on television and decided to give them a call.

I am so thankful to have the help from the Busch Chiropractic Center. Even after my first treatment I started to get the feeling back in my hands. I am now able to do the things that I love the most!