Jerry was wounded in Vietnam when the truck he was in was blown up. For over forty years, Jerry suffered with neck pain and headaches due to degeneration in the cervical spine. He sought out regular chiropractic care but only had short term relief from the pain and headaches. After a while, Jerry decided that it was time to seek the help of someone else.

Jerry’s medical doctor referred him to a pain management clinic. Here, they gave him two options. They said he could start with injections and if that did not work, his last option would be surgery. Jerry did not like either of these options. He had many buddies that had gone through both procedures with little to no results. Jerry decided at that time not to book either procedure because he wanted to go home and really think about his options. The very next day, Jerry was suffering from a severe headache and neck pain, which lead him to being on the couch and icing most of the day. This is when his life changed forever.

Jerry was icing and reading the paper when he came across an advertisement for The DRS Protocol®™ at The Busch Chiropractic Center. This ad promised a non-surgical approach for degenerative disc disease. Jerry knew at that very moment that this was the treatment he needed. Jerry picked up the phone and made an appointment.

Following his evaluation with Dr. Busch, Jerry was told that he was a candidate for The DRS Protocol®™.  He was so very excited to get started with his treatments and began treatment the next day. Jerry started noticing improvement in the frequency and severity of his pain and headaches immediately. He was finally sleeping through the night again and was very pleased by this. After finishing the entire program, Jerry no longer suffers from neck pain or headaches. He is able to do all his daily activities without any pain at all. Jerry would recommend Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™ to anyone suffering with neck or back pain.