Sampson was in the kitchen taking more pain medication when his wife came in and asked him to watch a program on television with her. It was a program about Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™. Sampson did just as his wife had asked and decided to get comfortable on the couch and watch the infomercial while icing his low back.

Many years ago, Sampson was diagnosed with a herniated disc in his lumbar spine which has also caused severe pain in the right hip. After years of taking pain medications that masked his symptoms, Sampson’s pain has only gotten worse. It is now to the point that he is unable to work or do normal things with family and friends. Sampson and his wife knew that it was time to look for a solution to his pain.

As Sampson and his wife watched the infomercial on The DRS Protocol®™, they were surprised to hear that there might actually be an alternative treatment to surgery. They decided to call Dr. Busch the next day to schedule a consultation.

After the consultation, Sampson decided he would try The DRS Protocol®™ because at this point he had nothing to lose. After Sampson’s first treatment, he had noticed some small changes, like the fact that he was able to get up from a seated position with less pain and he had slept through the night. Within a week, Sampson had cut back on the pain medication and was starting to feel like his old self again. After finishing The DRS Protocol®™, Sampson was back to working full time without having any pain at all. The best part of all, he is no longer taking any pain medications! Sampson and his wife would recommend Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™ to anyone who is suffering with neck or lower back pain.