At 32 years old, Sam was very active and didn’t have a lot of time to spend at the doctor’s office. He played softball, bowled on a league with friends and his wife was close to having their first baby. So when Sam started having pain in his left leg, he tried to do what he could to get by. He tried heat, ice and over the counter pain relievers. It had eventually gotten to a point where he had to go see the doctor.

Sam’s family doctor prescribed steroids and pain medication. The combination seemed to help for a short period of time, but it never lasted long enough. He had an MRI that revealed he had a herniated disc in his L 5 area. After the MRI, Sam was referred to a neurologist who wanted to do back surgery.

Sam was giving the surgery a lot of thought. He knew several people who have had surgeries and they were not happy with the results. He also was going to have a new baby soon, so being down for the recovery was not an option for him. Sam’s dad had seen a commercial for The DRS Protocol®™ with Dr. Busch and thought that might be a good alternative to the surgery.

After meeting with Dr. Busch, Sam had a glimpse of hope that he may be able to get back to a normal way of life again. After just a few treatments, Sam was noticing that his pain had lessened and he was not having it as often. With the treatments and exercises that he was doing, Sam was able to get back to his hobbies and be a wonderful new father. Sam is so thankful for Dr. Busch and The DRS Protocol®™.