Jenni went to work exhausted again this morning. It’s been the same thing on and off for the past six months.  Jenni was involved in a car accident almost a year ago which was still causing her a lot of pain. Since the accident, she has had excruciating pain in her lower back and also some numbness in her toes. The pain and exhaustion were causing Jenni to deal with severe depression. Her friends and family were starting to worry.

Jenni would constantly toss and turn at night trying to get comfortable, but she could not find a comfortable position. She tried the medications that were prescribed and she went to physical therapy for several months but the pain never seemed to go away completely. Between not sleeping well, the pain medication and the bills that were piling up, Jenni knew that it was time to see yet another doctor.

One day while looking through the newspaper, Jenni came across an article about Dr. Busch and the DRS Protocol®™. She was skeptical but decided she had nothing to lose by scheduling a consultation. After talking with Dr. Busch and learning that she was suffering from a herniated disc in her lumbar spine, she was very confident that she would live a pain free life again.

Within the first few appointments, Jenni started to notice that her pain had decreased in intensity and before long, she wasn’t having pain or numbness as frequently. After a few months, Jenni was back to her fun loving self and was able to do things with her friends and family again because she wasn’t exhausted or in too much pain.