Oliver was a very active man at work and at his home.  He was the primary person for all of the household chores as he was a single father of two.  So when he was unable to do the things he needed to because of lower back and leg pain, he immediately went to see his family physician.
Following his doctor’s advice, Oliver went to see an orthopedic doctor. That is where he was told that he had degenerative discs disease and the only thing that would help was surgery. Surgery was the one thing Oliver did not want to do unless it was his last resort. He knew recovery time would be more than he could handle with two children at home and him being their only caregiver.

It was then that he heard about the Busch Chiropractic Clinic and the DRS Protocol®™. Once he had talked to Dr. Busch, Oliver knew that this was the alternative that he needed. He was even able to start treatment right away.

After only a few treatments, he was noticing improvements with his pain. He was able to rest more peacefully at night. He also had better mobility and his pain was becoming less intense with every treatment. A month after starting treatments, Oliver felt like he could function normally again! Oliver is now able to take care of his children, go to work and do his daily chores without having any pain!
Oliver knows that the Busch Chiropractic Clinic and the DRS Protocol®™ was the right decision for him. He was able to avoid having surgery and a lengthy recovery. He would highly recommend the DRS Protocol®™ to anyone suffering with neck or lower back pain.