Karen was in a motorcycle accident a few years ago. This is when she started suffering from severe neck area pain as well as headaches. She had been to countless doctors trying to figure out what was the cause of all the pain. She was only told time after time that she had strained the muscles in that area and that time would heal it. Karen was starting to get worried as her symptoms were only getting worse. She was now suffering with tingling and numbness down the arms as well! She new it was time to make yet another appointment to talk about her new symptom. Karen’s family doctor finally sent her for an MRI and to both of their surprise, Karen was suffering from a herniated disc in her cervical spine. She was immediately referred out to a pain management clinic. Here, she was given many different pain medications and booked for a follow up appointment a couple of months later. Karen only took the medications for a couple of days due to the severe side effects that she was experiencing. They made her so tired that she was falling asleep at work and forgetting to do important parts of her job. Karen’s co-worker could tell that she was miserable and decided to share some life changing news with her. This is when she discovered Dr. Busch and the DRS Protocol®™. Karen decided to make an appointment to see if there was anything that could be done for her pain. Karen was pleased to find out that she was a candidate for the DRS Protocol®™. Once starting treatment, Karen had immediate relief from the severity of her pain and headaches! A month following treatment, she could honestly say that she was pain and headache free and all the numbness and tingling that she was experiencing was now gone! To this day, Karen still buys her co-worker lunch once a week because she is so grateful that she told her about Dr. Busch and the DRS Protocol®™.