James was in his early thirties when he started to notice leg pain on a daily basis. After weeks of having unbearable leg pain, he went to his family physician for help. He was prescribed steroids and pain medication to relieve the pain. When it became apparent that the medication was not working, James was sent for an MRI. The scan showed that James had a bulging disc in his lower back around his L-5. His physician knew then that there was not anything that he could do for him but send him to a specialist.

After seeing a neurologist, James learned that he had more than just a bulging disc. He also had two pinched nerves contributing to his leg pain. The neurologist then told James that he needed to have back surgery. Surgery was not something that James wanted to have, especially after talking to several people that had already gone through it. After talking to his father about how he felt about having surgery, his father recommended that he see Dr. Busch first.

James decided he needed to make an appointment to see Dr. Busch. Anything was worth a try if it meant he didn’t need to have surgery. Once he learned he was a perfect candidate for the DRS Protocol®™, James immediately knew he needed to go through with the treatment. He was able to start treatment right away and after just one treatment he saw a significant amount of relief from his pain. Just after two weeks of treatment, James could say that he was virtually pain free. He thanks Dr. Busch and his staff from saving him from back surgery and would recommend the DRS Protocol®™ to anyone with a back injury.