Alyssa had been suffering from low back pain and pain that would run down the back of the legs and into her feet. She had been having this pain for several months.  This pain made it impossible for her to do the simplest of things like lay in bed and blow dry her hair. Lying on her stomach with ice on her back and her knees bent would be the only way she could find relief. When the pain started to get bad enough that it was affecting taking care of her horses and her job as a school bus driver, she knew she had to find a solution for all this pain. 

She was doing some research on the internet when she came across a website for the Busch Chiropractic Clinic and the DRS Protocol®™.  On this website, they talked about the low back and leg pain Alyssa was suffering from. She immediately knew that this had to be the solution that she was looking for. Alyssa called the office right away and booked an appointment. Once she had a complete exam she was able to start treatment right away. After only just a few treatments, she was noticing changes in the way she was feeling. She was able to blow dry her hair standing up without any pain! The children on the bus that she drove even noticed that she was feeling better by the way that she walked on the bus.

To this day, Alyssa continues to improve with every treatment that she has. The pain that she was having when she first came to the Busch Chiropractic Clinic just simply does not exist anymore.  She is now able to lie in her bed in other positions besides her stomach. She can also sit in a chair like any other person without having pain. Working with her horses has become something that she now enjoys once again. She would not be where she is at today without the Busch Chiropractic Clinic and the DRS Protocol®™ and this is she forever grateful for!