Ron had a daughter in college and a son that would be graduating high school within the next year so his income was very important to his family. Six months ago, Ron hurt his back at work. He wasn’t able to stand or sit for long periods of time due to the pain.  He was off work for several weeks and visited many doctors trying to find a cause and cure for this pain. He had tried physical therapy, injections as well as prescription pain medications. After a few weeks of treatment, he was able to go back to work but restricted to “light duty” only. He was getting very frustrated because the medication made him foggy and working part time was not going to be enough to support his family. While talking in the break room to some co-workers, it was suggested that he call Busch Chiropractic Center to see if there was anything that could be done. Ron was very skeptical but went to see Dr. Busch anyway. He was very impressed by the thorough examination he received by Dr. Busch. This was the first time he actually felt like a doctor cared about making him feel better as well as giving him a proper diagnosis for his pain. Ron found out that he was suffering from a herniated disc in the lumbar spine and that the DRS Protocol®™ was the answer that Ron was looking for to live a normal life again. Ron started treatment the next day and to his surprise he actually felt relief from his pain for the first time in months!  After a few treatments, Ron was back to work without any restrictions and without having to worry about how he was going to support his family. He is currently off all prescription medications and able to live a pain free normal lifestyle thanks to the DRS Protocol®™!