Ernie worked hard all his life so he could retire at an early age and enjoy the rest of his life. He dreamed of himself and his wife traveling once he was retired. Well things don’t always work out as planned as Ernie found this out the hard way. Ernie dealt with some sort of back pain for many years. He saw his local chiropractor which helped temporarily but never helped with his pain long term. That is when he decided to see his family doctor who ordered an MRI and found that he had degenerative disc disease. Ernie was prescribed many costly pain medications that gave him all sorts of side effects but as long as he took the medications, the pain was bearable. Until one day, Ernie became very concerned because of a new symptom he was feeling, he now had numbness in his legs! This scared Ernie and his wife to the point that they decided to seek out treatments for degenerative disc disease. While on the internet surfing their options, they saw a commercial for the DRS Protocol®™ at the Busch Chiropractic Center and decided to call immediately. Ernie and his wife were very pleased that he was a candidate for the DRS Protocol®™ and began treatments right away. After just a few treatments, Ernie’s numbness was gone and his pain was subsiding! Once Ernie finished the treatments, he was able to return to the life that he always wished for, traveling after retirement! Ernie still to this day will send in post cards from his trips telling us how great his back is doing. Ernie and his wife are both very happy that he is now pain free and can resume all day to day activities.