Larry had always been a fan of winter time. He loved all the activities he could do in the winter; skiing, ice fishing, but his favorite was taking his kids sledding.  Last year while he was out with the kids, he had taken a fall and heard a pop in his back. He did all the normal stuff any person would do, he put heat on his back, took some pain relievers, and took it easy for awhile. Larry had some relief, but not like he expected. He decided to go to his chiropractor who gave him some relief but it only lasted temporarily. Larry was starting to notice that getting in a comfortable position was becoming quite a task. He was having trouble standing, sitting, twisting, bending and even sleeping at night. This was very frustrating for him because he was used to being so active. Larry just didn’t know what to do from here. One day after church one of Larry’s acquaintances, stopped him and asked if he was in a lot of pain. Larry was shocked that his friend was able to see it on his face. Larry’s friend was eager to tell him about a treatment at the Busch Chiropractic Center that changed his life and stopped his lumbar area pain. Larry decided to give the Busch Chiropractic Center a call. After his initial examination, Larry finally had a diagnosis. He had a bulging disc in his lumbar spine. He was thrilled to find out that the DRS Protcol™ was his answer. Larry started treatments right away. After just a few weeks of treatment, Larry is back to himself and ready to sled with his children this winter. He is so very thankful to have a pain free life again.