Gene had been retired for many years but was unable to enjoy any of it due to his lumbar and right leg pain. Since retirement, all Gene did was visit one doctor to the next trying to find out why he was in so much pain. Well finally a diagnosis was made, Gene suffered from a herniated disc in his lumbar spine. He continued to go to many different doctors trying to find a way to get rid of this pain. Gene was on many costly medications, tried physical therapy, cortisone injections and had also had two prior surgeries before he found the treatment that would finally give him back his life.

Gene was out to breakfast one morning with some friends when one of them told him that their wife had just finished treatments at the Busch Chiropractic Center for the same condition. His friend went on to tell him how well she was doing and no longer suffered from pain. Gene decided it was time to give it a try and he is so very thankful that he did. After being treated with the DRS Protocol®™, Gene is now pain free as well. He is so thankful for his friend telling him about the Busch Chiropractic Center that he still buys his breakfast every time they get together!