Over the course of 3 years Jeremiah had been to countless doctors for his back pain without an actual diagnosis. He was at a point where he was actually crawling on his hands and knees because he was in so much pain, even with many prescribed pain medications. One day Jeremiah was just sitting at home watching television when he saw a commercial for the Busch Chiropractic Center and the DRS Protocol®™, he called right away and made an appointment. He was able to see Dr. Busch almost immediately, but was told by other doctors he would have to wait weeks to see a neurosurgeon for even a consultation. Jeremiah found out that he was suffering with a bulging disc in his lumbar spine and that was the reason for his intense pain. Finally a diagnosis, now all he needed was a treatment for this pain.

Jeremiah was very pleased to find out that he was a candidate for the DRS Protocol®™ and began treatments right away. After several weeks of treatment, he was pain free and was able to do everything he used to. No more crawling on the floor because of pain! He now has his life back and would recommend anyone with neck or back pain to the Busch Chiropractic Clinic