When Alaina first came to the Busch Chiropractic Clinic she could hardly stand the pain in her right leg. She had constant throbbing pain from her right hip down to her right ankle. She was sure she had broken the leg some how but the x-rays ordered from her family doctor showed nothing. He was sure Alaina had a pinched nerve in her lower back. She tried going to her regular chiropractor, visiting 2-3 times a week for 7 weeks, but had no relief. She was also prescribed many costly pain medications that had a lot of side effects and just bearly eased her pain. Alaina’s pain only continued to get worse!

Alaina saw a commercial for the Busch Chiropractic Clinic and the DRS Protocol®™ on TV so she called and decided to make an appointment. She was very happy to learn that she was a canidate for the DRS Protocol® and started treatment right away. She was impressed by the knowledge and overall genuine concern and attitude of the doctor and staff. After just a few treatments, Alaina was starting to feel relief from her pain. By the end of her treatment program, Alaina was so very happy to be able to do her daily activities without any pain! Alaina is pleased to tell anyone she encounters with back pain about Dr. Busch and his wonderful staff!