Brian was very active into his retirement years.  Brian and his wife loved to travel and explore new things now that his children were grown with families of their own. During their last trip to Canada, Brian began to notice we was having a lot of weakness in his legs and he was no longer able to walk as far as he could just a year ago. He found himself taking frequent breaks.

After returning home from Canada, Brian had a bad fall and his wife was worried that he would seriously hurt himself if they did not find a solution for his numbness. After calling the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center, he made an appointment to speak with Dr. Busch. After the complete examination Dr. Busch told Brian he was a candidate for the Neuropathy Protocol™.

Today, Brian is free of constant weakness and numbness in his legs. He is able to walk easier and further than he could during his trip to Canada. He has even began walking on the treadmill again! Brian is so grateful for Dr. Busch and the Neuropathy Protocol™ and tells everyone he can about the success he has had.