Vincent grew up in a very active family. Their family was involved with numerous sports, basketball being his favorite. During their free time Vincent and his family would go on hikes, swimming, go on road trips and numerous other activities. They also spent a lot of time with members from their church and school and formed really close relationships.

As an adult, Vincent remained friends with these individuals. Every weekend they would all get together for a game night, bonfires, or just a quick meal.

Roughly one year ago, Vincent began to have severe low back pain. This pain was so severe he had a hard time performing normal daily tasks. Even walking became a hardship. Slowly, Vincent began to stay at home more as it was hard for him to be out with others. He had a hard time sitting, standing, walking, bending, and many more.

One day while watching television Vincent’s wife saw an advertisement for the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and made an appointment for him the very next day. After completing the exam, Dr. Busch determined Vincent was indeed a candidate for the DRS Protocol®™.

After completing the DRS Protocol®™, Vincent was back to his old self. Rather than staying home due to his pain Vincent was able to invite his friends over and enjoy their company again. He has never felt better and is so glad he went to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center.