Kyle first set foot in the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center with low back pain and pain in his buttock. When he walked he would lean to the right because of the pain in his back, it was the only way he could get some moderate relief when walking. Everyday activities that involved twisting, bending, or lifting were activities that he could no longer perform because it would only increase his pain. Sitting or lying down would alleviate his pain but after sitting for a short amount of time the pain would return and then he would have to lie down. He was constantly changing his position from sitting to lying back to sitting just to feel relief.

After he was told that he could find help at the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center for his low back and buttock pain he decided that he had to become a DRS Protocol®™ patient. He first noticed after a week of treatment that he was finding himself standing straighter and no longer leaning to the side when he was walking. A few more weeks of treatment had passed and over that time his pain continued to decrease and he noticed other improvements as well. He was sleeping better at night and he was able to move better without increasing his pain.

At this time Kyle has no pain in his buttock and his back pain is very minimal. He has been able to go back to performing his duties at work without worrying how he will feel at the end of the day or how he will be walking. Kyle has been living a normal life again and couldn’t be happier.