When Jessica started having low back pain that affected her job and way of life she was devastated. She was told surgery was her best option at that time. That was not an option she was ready for. However, she knew she had to do something, the pain was affecting the way she did everything and physical therapy was not helping. After hearing about the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center from another patient she decided to set an appointment.

When she came in for her exam she quickly learned that she had another option besides surgery that can take months to recover from. She had the option of the DRS Protocol®™, with no painful recovery from surgery.

After a week of treatments Jessica was seeing fantastic results. After just a few weeks she was pain free in her low back. She has been able to work without pain when she was done. Her co-workers have noticed a difference in the way she acts and feels. Jessica has been very pleased with her treatment and her the life without any pain.