Brad is a young man that loves what he does for a living. Brad’s parents started a concrete business when he was a child and Brad had been working summers and after school for as long as he could remember. Brad had dreams of some day taking over the company with his older brother when their parents retired. While Brad was approaching his 30′s his parents decided to retire. Brad and his brother already had everything planned out. Brad would work and manage the actual job sites while his brother would work in the office. This all sounded perfect to Brad until one day while on the job he started limping due to pain in his right hip and leg. Brad decided to ignore these symptoms until his pain was to the point that he could no longer do his job. This is when Brad decided it was time to seek help. He could not fathom not being out on the job sites for the rest of his career. He seen his family doctor and he ordered an MRI, from there, his family doctor sent him to a surgeon. Brad was nearly devastated when the doctor told him that surgery was his only option. He thought that his life was nearly over at 30! How could he possibly go back to doing concrete after a surgery without the risk of injury again?

Thank goodness Brad’s wife had seen a commercial for the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center! She booked an appointment for him immediately. Brad and his wife were thrilled to know that Brad was a candidate for the DRS Protocol®™ and that surgery was not his only option. Following his treatment, Brad is pain free! He was able to continue working throughout his treatment program and continues to work pain free today! Brad still thanks his wife every day for making that first appointment.