Exercising was literally Julie’s life. She not only was a personal trainer at a local gym, she also competed nationally in body building competitions. You can probably imagine how devastated she was to learn that after her second lumbar surgery, her doctor recommended that she not only find a new career but also a new hobby. He told her that unless she gave this activity up, she would be dealing with low back pain for the rest of her life. Julie thought long and hard and even withdrew herself from an upcoming competition. As her activity started to dwindle, so did her happiness. This was the first competition that she was going to miss since she first started training. One day while training a client at the gym asked her why she withdrew herself from the upcoming competition. Julie then gave her all the history of her low back pain. Thank goodness Julie’s client had a brother that had been to the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center for a similar condition. This news changed Julie’s life forever. She decided to make an appointment to see if there was anything that she could do. Julie was so very happy to learn that she was a candidate for the DRS Protocol®™. She was even more happy to learn that she did not have to give up her job or hobby! Following her treatments, she is now pain free and able to do her job. The greatest  part about this is she is back to competing nationally! Not only is she winning competitions, she also feels that she has won the battle against back pain! She thanks Dr. Busch every day for giving her back her life.