David had been working at a fast paced factory which he enjoyed. He loved to keep busy and always on the go. David began noticing increased pain in his feet and legs over time and stopped performing at his job the way he once had. David was let go, he was very upset but was determined to find something new.  David  had taken up several hobbies, including tending to and breeding goats. It was his new love in his life. David noticed he was not able to stand up for very long due to extreme pain in his feet.  He knew he had to find a solution for the pain.

David overheard on the radio a commercial for the Busch Chiropractic Pain Center and the Neuropathy Protocol™. He called right away, he was always interested in the noninvasive approach to everything and the symptoms was everything he was experiencing.  After a complete exam with Dr. Busch, David found out he was, indeed a candidate for the Neuropathy Protocol™. Then very next day he began his treatments!

Today, David is completely pain free in his feet and legs, he was able to find a great new job that he enjoys and has fun watching the goats get bigger. David is so grateful for Dr. Busch and his staff for giving him his life back!